It’s not (just) what you spend, it’s the way that you spend it
Until we have global carbon pricing we must take responsibility for our consumption choices
Food: the free lunch of climate change
Changes to diet and food sourcing are the closest thing to a free lunch in the battle against climate change…
Air miles, road miles
Cutting our transport footprint means cutting our transport miles - electric vehicles can only be part of the answer…
Keep it simple, stupid
Support for simpler executive pay plans is growing - now both companies and investors need to focus on the possibilities not just the risks…
Hybrid solutions to wicked climate problems
Electrification of power is an essential part of moving to a low-carbon future. But looking at the issue in detail has exposed my naivety and challenged my view about the right solution…
Greening your domestic electricity supply
Green tariffs and solar panels can make a real contribution to reducing our domestic carbon footprint
Index or passive?
Index funds object to the term 'passive’, claiming their long-term holdings make them active stewards of listed firms. But a new paper from an academic heavyweight disputes this.
Gender pay gap disclosure works, up to a point
Evidence from Denmark shows that gender pay disclosure has caused companies to cut the pay gap, through restraining men’s pay rather than boosting women’s.
Misguided fears of common ownership
A new analysis suggests that fears about the competition effects of common ownership are overblown.
Workers on boards: momentum builds, but the jury's out
Putting workers on UK boards wouldn’t be as bad as its critics fear, or as good as its advocates hope. But on balance the evidence doesn’t support compulsion.
Facing up to the truth of our carbon footprint
Measuring our carbon footprint has been a salutary experience, but has increased my confidence that we can halve it by 2025.
A middle-class approach to decarbonisation
Extinction Rebellion protests have caused me to revisit my own approach to climate change.
Good CEOs are cheap at twice the price
Evidence from market reaction to sudden deaths suggests that levels of CEO pay are not as mad as they seem
ISS: Friend or foe to stewardship?
The influence of ISS on voting outcomes in the UK is overstated, but still material
Bringing enlightened shareholder value to life
Companies need to embrace corporate governance reform for the good of capitalism in the UK
The ethics of pay in a fair society
Fairness matters, but doesn't mean equality. We are in the midst the most significant corporate governance reforms in the UK for many years.
Academics weigh into the debate on executive pay targets
Academic insight adds a useful dimension to the executive pay debate
On the naughty step
The IA Public Register of low votes is a better idea than the alternatives.
How to improve the ISS P4P model
Shareholding provides the key for linking pay to performance
Executive pay in a world of truthiness
Evidence is a critical guide to executive pay policy and practice