A father’s perspective on gender diversity
30 October 2023

The working world for women is improving, but more remains to be done
London Business School’s Think magazine asked me to provide a perspective on gender diversity in the workplace, both as an academic and as a father of daughter. You can read my thoughts here.
The Financial Reporting Council has got it about right with its revised UK Stewardship Code
The Transition Finance Market Review is an impressive piece of work. But I still don’t understand what a “transition finance” label will achieve.
A recent paper from the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance does little to resolve the underlying dilemmas facing fiduciaries concerned about climate change
Electrification has cut my home energy bills by 2/3rds, but at a significant capital cost
Could there be a good faith argument for fiduciaries to allocate a portion of their portfolio to climate impact investments? I argue that there could.
By aiming for less asset owners can achieve more as universal owners.
After a year living with my heat pump I’m pleasantly surprised by the economics of ownership.
I’m very happy with my heat-pump but I blundered my way through the installation process. This is what I’d do differently now.
The last couple of years of my personal decarbonisation path have been dominated by heat pumps, offsetting, investments, and hypocrisy
The anti-ESG backlash may have an unexpected benefit for European index fund managers